San Benito Lodge #211AUGUST 2024
Stated Meeting August 14th, potluck dinner 6pm, meeting 7pm.
* Dinner will be potluck, please bring something we can all enjoy, Thank you brethren! Fraternal greetings, Brethren!
Greeting from the East, I would like to personally invite you to join us for the August stated meeting Wednesday Aug, 14th, dinner at 6pm and meeting at 7pm. Pot Luck so please be kind enough to bring something to share.. Please don’t forget Texas #46 and San Benito #211 joint BBQ fundraising this August 24th at 130 5th Street, Hollister CA next to the Hollister Fire Department for pick-up between 11am and 4pm. Fraternally, Ian Raras Worshipful Master 2024 ~~~ FUNDRAISER for The Junior EXPLORER Program! Brother Felice has created custom hats from a local vendor Nic Calder. Hats are $20 with A donation of $5 from each hat sale. Also, Brother Felice is donating a FREE American Flag pin, with every hat purchase. That's right a hat and a pin plus a 5 dollar donation, ALL for JUST $20 Bucks! Hollister Clan