San Benito Lodge #211JANUARY 2025
Stated Meeting JANUARY 8th, potluck dinner 6pm, meeting 7pm.
* Dinner will be potluck, please bring something we can all enjoy, Thank you brethren! Fraternal greetings, Brethren!
Greeting from the East, I would like to wish all brothers of the Lodge success, creativity and fulfillment in your endeavors this year. Happy New Year 2025! Installations of officers will be on January 18, 2025 at 3pm at the San Benito Lodge with refreshments to follow. I am thankful for the officers of this lodge who have been very gracious in working together for the betterment of our lodge. It is an honor to serve! Fraternally, Ian Raras Worshipful Master 2024-2025 ~~~ Freemasonry is a voluntary organization promoting a way of life that binds men together in a worldwide brotherhood.
Final Thoughts
The secret of Masonry, like the secret of life, can be known only by those who seek it, serve it, live it. ... SEE YOU IN LODGE!